Homes For Sale in Shelton, Connecticut
Shelton, CT has the right size for your family. At 40,000 people, this beautiful town has plenty to offer in entertainment, schooling, and nature. The town is situated along the Housatonic River at the northern tip of Fairfield County.
Shelton realtors find that houses in Shelton don’t stay on the market for very long. This is partly due to the diverse economy. The availability of jobs in many different industries means that, whether you are a blue-collar or white-collar worker, you will be able to find a good job in this beautiful area. And, it doesn’t hurt that Shelton is close to New York City! That means big city lights are just a short drive away, for those times when you want a little more excitement.
With a population growth of 16% a year, this area sees a lot of demand for housing. Schools in Shelton spend nearly $15,000 per student, which is pretty good compared to the national average of $12,000.
There are plenty of things to do in Shelton. With good restaurants throughout the city, you can usually find the dining experience you want close to your home in Shelton. There are breweries, gyms, parks, and fishing available for daily activities. No need to plan a weekend getaway to enjoy hunting and fishing. Water sports are allowed at most of the 10 nearby beaches. Fairfield is nearby, with its rock climbing walls, and shopping is diverse. You can choose chain stores at the shopping centers or shop at unique boutiques.
If you are looking to buy a home in Shelton, visit the link below to find homes for sale in this desirable community. If you prefer, give us a call and we will be glad to show you the best homes in the neighborhood!